(Paper {:keys [class id elevation square component on-click style], :or {square false, component :div, elevation 2, on-click (fn* [] ())}})
Paper component, made to resemble a flat sheet of paper that acts as a container.
Paper takes a map of properties:
. Predstring?
. Defaultnil
. Classname string to be applied to paper component. -
. Predstring?
. Defaultnil
. ID string to be applied to the paper component. -
. Pred#{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24}
. Default2
. The depth of the box-shadow applied to paper. Higher numbers makes the effect more pronounced. -
. Predboolean?
. Default false. If border-radius should be applied, making the corners more rounded. -
. Pred(or string? fn? keyword?)
. Default:div
. The component used for the root node.